Research & Development in Dye Manufacturing

research & development for high efficiency in dye manufacturing


In order to sustain businesses, it is important to think of long term goals and not be myopic in approach. Hence, as an organization, we have a policy to invest in authentic research that constantly develops new products and application methods besides minimizing waste, shortening production processes and improving existing products.

Today, our products have created a name in the industry and are considered as competitive, convenient and trustworthy worldwide. The R & D department is supported by a pilot plant which ensures smooth transition of our processes, from our research lab to commercial production. Approximately, 4% of our earnings are utilized exclusively for R & D each year.

The R&D department is a crucial arm in the JCIL body, an internal centre of excellence to service the business and meet customer needs. The key focus areas are:

  • Optimisation of process chemistry to achieve the highest chemical efficiency and product purity whilst minimizing effluent production.
  • Monitoring technology trends in order to understand market opportunities and unfulfilled needs.
  • To carry out long term new molecule research projects looking for novel technologically advanced dyes and processes to meet our customers’ needs.
  • We develop new customised processes for clients.